JS Data Science Services

Machine Learning ◆ Data Visualization ◆ Education

Machine Learning Solutions

Predict. Classify. Detect. Forecast.

Tailored machine learning solutions convert your data into definitive results

Supported by clear, well-documented code for ease of use and integration.

classification animation

Interactive Visualizations

Explore. Discover. Communicate.

Interactive visualizations designed to explore and interpret complex data effortlessly.

Clear, clean, and intuitive design with communicative power.

data viz

Advanced Data Science Training

Question. Collaborate. Validate.

Advance your team’s data science proficiency, tailored for both analysts and management.

Bridge the gap between technical expertise and strategic application, empowering your team with the skills to apply advanced analytics for impactful business decisions.

data viz
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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of data science services do you offer?

I offer comprehensive data science services including data analysis, predictive modeling, machine learning, data visualization, and deployment of scalable data products. See the services page for more information.

Data Science is a very broad area and encompasses many specialities. If your project falls outside of my areas of expertise, I will be upfont about it and do my best to find others in my network who are experts in that particular area to assist you.

How can I engage your data science consulting services?

Clients can engage my services through several flexible models tailored to meet different needs and project scopes:

  • Hourly Consulting: Best for advice, guidance, or specific tasks without a long-term commitment.
  • Retainer: Perfect for ongoing support, a retainer agreement ensures you have guaranteed access to my time for a set number of hours each week or month.
  • Subscription: Similar to retainer, but focused on regular, predefined data science services, such as monthly analytics reports or ML model maintenance.
  • Project-Based Pricing: Suitable for projects with specific deliverables and timelines. This fixed-price model is based on the project's scope and complexity.
How do you ensure the confidentiality of our data?

Your data's security and confidentiality are my top priorities. I employ strict data governance policies including data access controls, data retention and deletion, and use secure methods for data transfer and storage. I have previously worked with highly sensitive data including aerospace data from NASA and the FAA, and healthcare data. I will gladly work closely with your security or IT teams to ensure secure access to data and compliance with your organization's security protocols.

What industries do you specialize in?

While I am equipped to serve a variety of industries, my expertise is particularly strong in healthcare, cybersecurity, aerospace, utilities and hospitality, where I’ve delivered tailored data-driven solutions.

How can machine learning benefit my business?

Machine learning can uncover patterns and predictions that inform strategic decisions, streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and ultimately drive growth.

What is the typical timeline for a data science project?

Project timelines can vary widely based on complexity and scope. After an initial consultation, I will provide a detailed project timeline with key milestones and deliverables.

Can small businesses benefit from data science?

Absolutely. Whether you have existing data or need assistance in gathering and structuring your data, data science offers valuable insights that can significantly benefit small businesses. As a data scientist, I understand the importance of proper data collection procedures and can assist in identifying the right data sources and implementing effective data gathering strategies. These insights can help small businesses operate more efficiently, understand their customers better, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

What sets you apart from other data science consultants?

My unique approach combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of business strategy, ensuring that solutions are not only statistically sound but also commercially viable. I believe in creating solutions that strike the right balance between complexity and simplicity. While complexity is sometimes necessary to achieve sophisticated results, I prioritize simplicity wherever possible, aiming for solutions that are elegant and easy to implement. This approach ensures that the solutions I deliver are not overly complex, but instead, just complex enough to achieve the desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.

Do I need to have a data science team in place to work with you?

No, I can work independently or alongside your existing team to complement and enhance your data science capabilities.

How do you approach a new data science project?

I start with a discovery phase to understand your business objectives and the available data, followed by data exploration, model development, and deployment, with a focus on actionable insights.

Are your solutions scalable as my business grows?

Absolutely. I design solutions with scalability in mind, ensuring they can evolve in line with your business growth and data complexity.

John Slough II

My journey into data science began while pursuing an dual MBA and MSc in Information and Communications Technology Business Management from Virginia Tech and Telecom Business School in Évry, France. It was during these programs, particularly through my MBA, that I discovered a fascination for statistics its application to real-world problems. Eventually, I convinced myself to pursue a Master's in Statistics from University College Dublin.

After obtaining the Master's in Statistics, I began working in data science consulting in Virginia. My six-plus years of consulting introduced me to working on a large variety of projects, in many different industries.

My work ranged from constructing energy dashboards for a utility company to optimizing machine learning models to predict intra-flight aircraft landing times for NASA. I developed models to predict hotel stays and arrivals for a hospitality company, and for a client consulting company I created an interactive dashboard that modeled their network traffic for online meetings.

In addition to consulting, I worked directly for a cybersecurity company, developing machine learning models to identify malware and anomalies in network traffic.

Clear communication and straightforward solutions emerged as the most important aspects of my work, ensuring that everyone, especially those non-technical, could understand the impact of the data science solutions on their business.

With this background in agile, project-based approaches, I set up my own data science business to provide focused and efficient data science services. I cater to those in need of a skilled data scientist who adapts quickly, communicates effectively, and values simplicity over complexity in solution design.

Located in Richmond, VA, I'm available to work with partners from around the world.

LinkedIn Profile
  • With over 8 years of data science experience, I offer services aimed at transforming complex data into useful solutions and practical tools, and communicating results effectively.
    My goal is to offer the expertise of a full-time data scientist, with the flexibility and efficiency of a consultant, delivering straightforward machine learning and data science solutions.

Core Services

  • Machine Learning Solutions: Crafting predictive models and custom ML algorithms to turn data into definitive results, supported by clear, well-documented code.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Designing intuitive visualizations and dashboards with tools like Plotly and Dash to make complex data understandable and actionable.
  • Statistical Analysis and Modeling: Providing expert statistical analysis. Hypothesis testing, A/B testing, and complex modeling, supporting research and business insights.
  • Data Wrangling and Processing for Analysis: Transforming raw data into clean, usable datasets. Automated data pipelines that process data for machine learning or visualizations ensuring your data is analysis-ready.
  • Advanced Data Science Training: Training for non or semi-technical professionals to deepen their understanding of ML and statistics, enabling them to question, collaborate, and validate ML and statistical solutions effectively.
  • Operationalization and Deployment: Implementing solutions in scalable environments using tools like AWS Sagemaker, GCR, and Docker, with tracking via MLflow for operational excellence.

AI, Data Science, and Education

"Let's just ChatGPT it!"

Although AI tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing how we interact with data, the human element remains crucial. Understanding the nuances of your data, the context of your industry, and the strategic implications of analytical findings cannot be fully automated. One needs to know the right questions to ask and this begins with education. AI serves as a powerful assistant, not a replacement, in the art of decision-making with data.

Ready to enhance your business with data science that makes a difference?

Reach out and let's explore how we can turn your data into a strategic asset.


Aerial Straps Pose Classifier

This project illustrates an ML project from conception to deployment: from data gathering and labeling to model versioning and deployment. It uses computer vision and machine learning to classify aerial straps poses. Features OpenCV, MediaPipe, Optuna, MLflow, fastAPI, Docker, and GCR.

Aerial Straps Pose Classifier Thumbnail

The UnHealth Dashboard with A.I. Patient Analysis

An interactive county-focused public health dashboard integrating CDC PLACES data, BEA and BLS economic data and synthetic patient data. The dashboard presents the UnHealth Score, a summary statistic that aggregates data from multiple health indicators, facilitating direct comparisons between counties.
The A.I. Patient Analysis explores simulated individual patient data using an AI-generated patient summary which integrates patient history, current health status, local health metrics and the UnHealth Score.

data viz

NASA ATD-2 Machine Learning for Predicting Aircraft Landing Times

This project, in collaboration with researchers at NASA, involved developing machine learning models to improve the accuracy of intra-flight aircraft landing time predictions. The model used features calculated in real-time from readily available data for airborne flights and led to significant improvents in prediction accuracy.

NASA Waterfall Chart

Interactive Resume with Plotly Dash

My interactive resume created using Plotly Dash to dynamically present my professional experience and skills visually.

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Podcast Episode Newsletter Creation Tool

A tool that automates the creation of a newsletter for a podcast episode. It transcribes the episode using the Whisper model, generates a summary and inspiring takeaway using the OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo API, and an image based on the podcast summary using the DALL-E API. A demo app is deployed on Streamlit.

data viz
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